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Restless Leg Syndrome & Worn Out Bras

Restless Leg Syndrome & Worn Out Bras

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to

Dear Battleaxe,

My partner was recently diagnosed with restless leg syndrome and the medication her doctor prescribed to her is making her do kooky things. I’m somewhat mystified by her behavior.

Dear Mystified,

You don’t say what her behavior is, but I do know that some of those medications have side effects that cause some people to exhibit addictive behavior. I’d make sure you keep her and her leg away from the casinos, the bars, and the young gals.

Dear Battleaxe,

I recently had someone tell me my boobs were very “70s”. What do you think she meant? I don’t get it!


Dear Barbara,

She means the gals aren’t perky enough…you need a new bra!

Dear Battleaxe,

I recently decided to start working out again. I’m not sure if I should join a gym, start walking and hiking or buy a bike. What do you suggest? Looking for those endorphins.

Dear Looking,

I would start with walking every  other day and see how that feels. Do it with a friend and you will find that your morning conversation is quite helpful and therapeutic. Before long you might even contemplate getting rid of therapy. A word of advice; if you stop for coffee, stay away from the sweets, you won’t find the endorphins there. Good luck and increase your exercise to every day if it feels right.

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