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gynecologist  // Posts tagged as "gynecologist"

21 Apr Posted by in Monica Palacios | Comments Off on No, No to Mr. Gyno

No, No to Mr. Gyno

No, No to Mr. Gyno

I was in the pens, pencils and popcorn aisle at Staples, trying to figure out if I should commit to the extra fine point or the fine point.  I was doodling on the practice note pad and I was feeling political so I wrote: Stop the war—show me your panties. I was writing other profound […]


No, No to Mr. Gyno

No, No to Mr. Gyno

I was in the pens, pencils and popcorn aisle at Staples, trying to figure out if I should commit to the extra fine point or the fine point. I was doodling on the practice note pad and I was feeling political so I wrote: Stop the war—show me your panties. I was writing other profound […]